The artist started to experiment with AI in the 2023, before he worked professionally in other fields like Music, Street Photography and UX Design. A creative mind that never stops creating.
He is a Director of Experience Design at Mastercard with over 18 years of experience who likes to transform chaos into order. Worked with some of the world’s most renowned brands, including McDonald’s, Volkswagen and Samsung, while being employed at amazing places like R/GA, DDB and Accenture.
Odair Faleco is a MULTIDISCIPLINARY awarded CREATIVE with a passion for tech + experimentation
_Official Creative Partner: Runway LeonardoAI, LumaAI, LensGo, LTX Studio, Hailuo Minimax and more
_Winner Best Experimental, Prague Music Video Awards 2024
_Many Honorable Mentions and Shortlists across AI Film Festivals worldwide
_Featured at Forbes, Wired, Curious Refuge
_President CIAIFF-Czech International AI Film Festival
_Founder zero1cine (1st curated AI movie database)
_Founder zero1educa (1st online generative arts school in Brazil)

Unlock your brand's full potential with AI
Professional AI powered video production and filmmaking focused on cinema and advertisement.